Bad Influence? Nah…🖤🤍💪🏻

It is May. A super busy month for me with so much going on as this is just the beginning… 🥹😭😳 It’ll go fast but like I need to do~~~ breathe through it all and take one day at a time. More milestones as usual and even yet another pic near the very end of this month, but that is weeks away. Today brings “The Blade Runners” part of Warrior’s career into focus ( should I say “FOKE!”) as those pics have never been used. 2 more I believe will be added as NEW but you will have to wait until June to see those. I never posted from that time either so now, they are “running” your way. “Freedom Fighters” pics~~~ I’ve shown a few, but never from his Blade Runner days. There were some creepy poses I couldn’t even look at to use! 😱If I hadn’t known, never could you convince me that guy was Warrior, never.

Bad influence was written on their shirts when working down in Memphis so that got my wheels turning. Many guys (like you all that are fans know) start their careers as heels, villains, or bad- whatever you like to call it. Warrior and Sting were superheroes first as the Freedom Fighters but good guys don’t get notice much, do they? I can and totally disagree but business dictates otherwise sometimes. With a career such as pro wrestling, it’s a lot different being a bad influence than let’s say being that way at the office. You could get fired but in wrestling, people pay more attention to the villains it seems. In our real life, we sometimes feel the need to be “BAD” in order for others to acknowledge us. Yes, Roman Reigns, we acknowledged you.

Who or what are your bad influences and why? It can be exciting for sure but honestly, some of us (like me) just aren’t “wired” for that stuff. Would I have liked Warrior and Sting as the Blade Runners ? Probably not. OK, they were built but as readers know with me, creepy doesn’t work. I would’ve missed the Freedom Fighters with their American look. That’s just me though. When Warrior was younger, he had mentioned getting into trouble but not like the issues of today. He had his reasons for doing so and I believe there were many but when older, nah… I’m not talking about his issues with WWE and wrestling but other legalities. He said Vince and Co. didn’t even have a traffic ticket on him to throw back and say: “See, you ____ ___ .” You can fill in the blank with those two words from that infamous DVD which they were going for back in 2005.

I have posted how my “little” bad things would get noticed but not like others who would do way more destructive or illegal acts. We all choose based on experiences we find ourselves in and don’t want labels attached. When I was in high school, one year I received perfect attendance which is quite the honor and nowadays, my kids had also. Well, being typecast like I was, “perfect” (No, not “Mr. Perfect,” – ha-ha) would never happen again. We all have faked being sick to stay home as kids do but I had my main reason~~~ to not get that award again which embarrassed me. Today, I would be darn proud of being healthy all year but back then, those teen feelings of being seen different as a peer crept in. I wanted and needed to be bad but by MY standards which were still pretty tame.

I also snuck out of class early once to purposely get a detention the next day. I convinced a friend of mine to tag along and she did! Back then though, you’d just work off the detention with the teacher during lunch without staying after school. No big deal. At least yet again, I wasn’t always that “good” girl. I would be so mad at my kids for doing that but we all go through lessons and the pressure is real, at any age. Those are both probably very lame to all reading and being in the present now, I am proud to have done mostly the right things despite not being a bad influence. Don’t get me wrong though. There were plenty of times where I just wanted to do something shocking. I’m not saying a horrific crime here, just stuff unexpected for me but that’s just it, isn’t it? We do all that for others and then possibly feel bad (in a different way) afterwards. Was it worth it? You get to decide. I had stolen a few little items but then went to the store and paid for them. This was way back in my memory while recalling a candy bar 🍫or nail polish💅. Let’s not forget the precious U.W. items I acquired, but those stories have been told. 

We do need to get out of that comfort zone like I have many times. I surprised folks I know years ago with writing a book 📗 so it’s ideas like that we can focus on for the good influences, not bad. Warrior was never a bad influence to me, ever. Maybe as his character he felt that need for power which came across, but it was more about success for him. Sometimes other factors got in the way, but I wouldn’t look at him and think what others may have thought. He was a good guy like he said in his HOF speech but just did life his way. Did that make him a bad influence? Nah… Blade Runners could’ve been but I for one noticed Warrior despite that past. His influence on me was far too great to be bad. I always saw past those “flaws” others inflicted on him. So grateful to know why now. Let’s stick to the good. You’ll get noticed by the right ones. As Warrior had said: “it’s never wrong to do the right thing.” 👍☺️👏🏻

***P.S. NEXT Sunday-May 12th (Mother’s Day) will be WWE’s “Most Wanted Treasures” episode on the A&E network, 9 p.m. ET on the Ultimate Warrior. Make sure and check it out as I am! They will be searching for his WMV gear along with gear from his “Ultimate Maniacs” days with “Macho Man” Randy Savage. *** Let’s hope they don’t switch the date! *** 🤞🏻

World Class Convictions 👍

Here we are in these last few days of April already. I felt like it went pretty fast considering events but better to be busy than bored, right? I told you all about a spoiler pic last week and we will have a 3 count in early May. Besides that Undertaker promo pic I used a few posts back, these are some others that are totally new with my writings. You will see below a Dingo Warrior card from the old WCCW days. Isn’t it great? I told myself years ago how there were some aspects of Warrior’s career I would rarely mention or use photos from. Well, after almost 8 years, they have finally surfaced. My goal was only if I could share a personal reflection on them despite not following his career back then. It turns out~~~ I can.

I did a little P. S. on Dingo back in the Vet’s office several times ago with a woman’s dog~~~ unless it was Bingo but I SWEAR I heard a D! This is a little different today. I bet most of you that follow have seen my pics (at least I hope you have) and noticed how many in the past were in fact from Warrior’s brief WCW run in late 1998. That of course was years later past his WCCW Dingo days. Most may also know I have discussed numerous times of not watching WCW when they went to cable just like the WWF. I could watch both before that transition, but not after. This happened a few years ahead of Warrior’s time there soo I HAD used pics of him and his WCW days having NEVER seen any of that time on my TV. Why couldn’t I use other pics of him in earlier days? I truly laughed when I realized this and my stubborn ways. 🤣🤪 My justification was merely because I hadn’t seen Warrior in action as those other characters so how could I have a post?

The truth is, I can and do. I did some research and discovered how WCW was not even available in my area at all until 1999 so * AFTER* Warrior would’ve left the company. See, I couldn’t have watched him anyways. Isn’t that something? It made me laugh at least. All this time with my silly thinking that prohibited the use of some photos. 🫨 I must say though, I do stand by my own convictions that is for sure. Sometimes they prevent me from moving forward as that is the consequence of my choices, but I have to be me just like Warrior was. I believe I’ve done a pretty good job these past 7.5 years of making this blog what it is without over glamorizing Warrior, wrestling, or even my own personal stories. I hope you agree. Many thanks if you do, as I realize other writers out there would definitely have their own viewpoint in all this, but my journey is mine to take just like yours is for you.

Have any of you ever had those moments of conviction where your beliefs overpower the circumstance? Of course you have and I mention this plenty. It is OK to not beat ourselves up over it and really- like I did— just laugh at it all sometimes. If others disagree, let them. We have to be us and yes, that does require bending in other ways that could be unfamiliar (like a wrestling move…) but overtime~~~ we must. Warrior didn’t bend on many things but often with a career, it becomes necessary. He evolved his look with different characters through the years but many think he would not have been able to sustain the intensity of Ultimate Warrior. It was perfect for the 80s, but could he have held onto his convictions for a possible rebranding? It’s hard to say but I have repeated how if he didn’t feel “all in” with the gimmick, he’d leave and that he did at times. Can you just imagine seeing him after U.W. or even Warrior as another? We know what it was like before but I think that would be hard to top… If convictions aren’t accepted, we walk away and I have done this too, still am. We can respectfully disagree but some issues seem too forced or obligated and that isn’t how it should be.

You have to know if the battle is worth the fight~~~ win or lose. We also cannot ask another to change their ways when we know they fully will not. That rings true ( ding, ding, ding, 🛎️) for me in many aspects but I will share one. While driving last week, above me on the highway overpass was a truck with the word Helwig on the side. Yes, I know different spelling~~~ but did I think of Warrior ? You bet I did. Shortly before heading out, something upset me on social media. It’s such a trivial thing and yet my convictions get the better of me sometimes. I didn’t want to be bothered by it and yet I was. At least nowadays, the frustrations fade faster than before. So, after seeing that truck- I said: “Yes, Warrior, I know…” Meaning to not let it bother me so much when others I cannot control. He was able to forgive after being gone 18 years in the WWE but really, some others weren’t so easy returning that forgiveness. I’d like to think they were but for a few, I believe it was acting. Several weeks after the HOF, they went back to their old ways as we often do.

We can keep our world class convictions but they need to adapt with the changing times. If not, it will be quite the ultimate challenge. Are you up for it? Learn went to stick to your convictions and went to concede to others. We may even forgive but always know it is for you, not them. Be the better warrior and laugh at yourself. Even Dingo became Ultimate! 💪🏻

P.S. I made a YouTube video on the 🔟 years since Warrior’s passing. You can watch it here:

*** If this link isn’t accessible, just check out my channel:


***Oh, and I believe it airs at 9 p.m. ET, NOT 8 as mentioned in the video… The date may change as well so check your local listings… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤞🏻

“Are You Ready?” (Mania XL thoughts…) 🤔🛎️💙

I just had to use that quote because of Stephanie McMahon’s return to kickoff night 2 of WMXL as that was spoken by Triple H in the past. She introduced the “new Paul Levesque era.” My guess is she will be back soon but we shall see…

So, what will I start with first? I think I’ll go in order a little here with the topics of choice. First up~~~ the Warrior Award. No real statement from WWE regarding its official end but really, they don’t need to do that. Yes, it would’ve been great seeing it reach 10 years, but that wasn’t meant to be. 🥹 Some recipients were very deserving in my opinion (those Warrior probably would approve) but others, not as much. We never had a little girl win.. 😔 With Dana’s release back in September, it would not make sense to see anyone different present, right? Fans are allowed to express their disappointment but we have so MUCH more in Ultimate Warrior and Warrior memories worth cherishing. I find it interesting how very fickle some “fans” can be. OK, times change along with people – this can be true. There are those who are ripping Triple H to shreds because of this decision. Those same “fans” were the ones praising him for being very instrumental with Warrior’s return. I get how mad we are at times but for this? Nope. It’s fine to be a little nostalgic or even bittersweet but mad at Triple H? That shouldn’t be and yet it is for some. A point to add here… Sue Atchison who was 2019’s recipient was recently just released from WWE after 38+ years. I bet she’ll be very missed… 😟

The next part of 40 is the new IC champ. I bet many expected Sami Zayn to end Gunther’s reign of 666 (crazy number…) days but there are always surprises. I figured that would happen just like the big team match of The Rock and Roman defeating Cody and Seth. We have some other NEW*** champs as titles changed hands and of course Cody, who proved he could #finishthestory that his Dad never got to do. Hard to forget a few legends that came out during the “Bloodline Rules” match which made fans go crazy!

I kept going back-and-forth as to my personal prediction on that ending match but you know what was “running” through my mind? Was it Cody’s dad Dusty never winning the belt? Nope. It was Hulk Hogan’s streak and IF WWE would keep it intact or keep Roman’s “reign” going. I really wasn’t sure until I heard about the possibility of special appearances by some others. Were they there to make XL the best ever? Yes but I also think it was to prepare for the next champ, Cody Rhodes. I guess WWE still does love Hulkamania after all, but records are meant to be broken. Just not this time. The Rock or #TheFinalBoss will be back as well so get ready Cleveland forSummerSlam! I wonder if Vince was watching? 😬So very unfortunate on such a momentous milestone but I saw a pic of Linda there…

A few more things to add. Just my point of view here so take it as you will. To backtrack a bit on the Hall of Fame, I have my take. Do I think The Rock’s grandmother Lia Maivia should’ve been inducted? Yes, at some point because of what a pioneer she was as a woman in the business. It’s amazing what she did BUT because of #TheFinalBoss being in the position he’s at, she got in. Again, I think she does deserve that honor, but his influence made it so. The WWE though has always had much respect for the Anoai Family. Also, I believe Hulk should’ve inducted Muhammad Ali, NOT Undertaker? What was that all about? Not the choice I’d make. There are so MANY I would love to see inducted as Demolition comes to mind at the top of my list. We NEED these people in here before everyone is in posthumously. Let’s hear their voices accepting and not their family. I do hope changes get made in that category.

Whew, that’s my list and my rants. I hope everyone loved Mania 40 but I am moving away from that for the rest of this post. Look at the photo below. I don’t even know if any of you do but it’s another first for me, so I guess it gets “roped” in with Mania in a way, ha ha! I have never used a pic of U.W. with only one color of paint- ever. It just came to mind as you will also notice next week (spoiler alert!) with yet another first time type of pic for me. So, just had to use that one today. 

This last part will just be a reflection of my feelings about April 8 coming and going. I kid you not, I genuinely expected to have a big cry fest because after all, we hit double digits and a new decade since Warrior’s passing. I had to do that, true? Well, not so much as you might think. That date was also marked by the beautiful solar eclipse ya know… 🫣😎🌑 Like other events, the hype gets built up (I wrote on this) and then when it’s here, the reaction may not be as emotional. It’s like when my son graduated high school a few years back and now my daughter will be very soon. It was super hard on me for months, hearing “Pomp and Circumstance” as Randy’s theme on my DVDs without losing it through tears. 😭 When the day came, I was emotional but not like I thought. I rarely am in front of crowds anyway. Guess I get it all out of my system before hand.

I read all the social tributes to Warrior like I always do and some truly got to my ❤️ . I wanted to leave my own but decided not to in that way. My memories resurface every year just like all you fans AND I have so many personal family stories of that time as well. All have been shared. Perhaps I’ve made more peace and progress on his passing. That’s a lot of P words. I know I have and he doesn’t want his warriors as crybabies all the time. We all have evolved on that, at least I hope so. I had my rituals but maybe I needed this huge number to go through instead of fearing it getting nearer and nearer when the year began. Like I have said~ I’m stronger than I know and you dear reader are too. We need not cry buckets to remember or have guilt because we don’t. That’s a myth that needs to be clotheslined. I will cry happy tears because I KNOW without a doubt he is always around. “Are you Ready” to always believe? To use WWE’s slogan: Then




P.S. For any wondering, my one purple blooming tulip I believe got eaten by a deer. 🦌 I will have to transplant them somewhere else for next year! 😠🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Channel Your Light ⚡️💫💙

*** A little side note here. I WILL discussing some results of WMXL (40) but that will be NEXT week as this post was already written…

Yes, I know this title sounds a little bit much for possibly many of you but like I always say~~~ it isn’t what you may think. It came to me when thinking of several ideas in my life and reasons to their WHY… It isn’t one thing either as to the why of what drives us forward. More on this but first, a few announcements. Today, is my Dad’s ***80th*** birthday! 🥳 I have written on the day of many milestones but never one with other family members. I’m so grateful he has reached this day as he is quite a warrior himself. I wish him many blessings in HIS new decade. Next, it is my 365th post as well today. OK, like before~~~ WordPress will say more because of my “practice” posts years prior but I don’t count those! So, *** IF*** I wrote once a day that would equal a year. Kind of cool and wow for me. Thank you all for always reading if you do.

The last bit of news involves the date of April 14 approaching as I mentioned last week. That will mark 10 years since WWE aired the tribute on RAW celebrating the life of the Ultimate Warrior. My personal day with that time has been shared and will end these last two weeks of memories. I think of them all, reflect, and move forward with it in my heart. ❤️ Being grateful is how we need to be and I am, always… Do you all recall last week’s song of “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica? I said earlier in that day of Wednesday just jokingly of course how hearing it later would probably make me SCREAM… Well, I DID hear it while working out and that hasn’t happened in a long time. I laughed and then screamed, just a little. There are no coincidences and it was beautiful to hear shortly after writing that post of 10 years on Warrior’s passing. 🥹🤭😮

So, does “channeling your light” sound weird or complicated to you? It doesn’t have to be and isn’t about some huge practices you need to take, not to worry. We have to unleash that inner warrior remember? When I looked back at many passions of mine, I realized how they have evolved since their inceptions. That’s probably true of all of us but then again, there could be those ideas we just love to love without explanation. It’s like kids who have those literal responses with one being a favorite of mine and will forever be. My son “singing” “Firepower” 9 or 10 years ago and after Mom grilling him, he says : ” I just know it, OK?” The *** BEST*** ever but of course, that was a little different as I digress yet again. My kids and all their “warriorisms” back then.

When I started working out as many may know, it was initially a way to beat the midwinter doldrums when cabin fever set in. Little did I know back then how it would become such a light I would channel into a passion. Just like Warrior… Well, in a way. Yes, he did take that initial interest into bodybuilding, but at that point had no idea it would eventually lead to wrestling. He wanted to be a chiropractor. I bet you have similar stories. My fitness has become a way of life in a more spiritual way and I love it, I don’t loathe it as many do. Yoga too was at first a way to just move different and then to be social. It has become so much more than that for me over the years.

Think of other fun stuff too that channels your light. I’ve always loved many things that would start one way, and then detour into the next. Even childhood memories such as bubble baths🛁 and bike riding 🚴‍♀️ have always been with me only now in a more adult way. This means, no kid toys in the tub as it’s more holistic now and bike rides aren’t with my old neighborhood friends. *** To go another way, maybe you’ve taken the same yearly trip every summer. It started as a family reunion but now it’s more relaxed in a new way. That’s longevity but we can create yet again. It’s what this life journey is all about. You loyal readers even know how my blog has changed with all those beginner topics. I would’ve had NO IDEA some stories eventually got edited into book form. It all began because the WWF was introduced to my family living room in the early 1980s. That’s the BIGGEST connector here with channeling my light because, come on, wow! My 15-year-old self seeing the Ultimate Warrior until now?~~~ unbelievable and yet there it is. 🫨🥰

Even when I had first contacted this woman to possibly join some type of spiritual group, ( not a cult!) , I could never have imagined it back then turning into what it has been. The book club, moon ceremonies, and, of course my wonderful friend who led me to know a *** BIGGIE*** on this warrior journey. Not to forget my energy healing, which convinced me after 2️⃣ dreams. Talk about a channel of light. At least it was for me and you will have your own “Now, I Know!” moments for sure. That phrase was from the Ultimate Warrior during his WMVII match against “Macho King” Randy Savage. I thought it worked here… Sometimes I might over analyze these times but for me it fits. You don’t have to but just become a little more cognizant of the WHY that led to that light that got channeled in the first place. You might’ve taken a small step towards something that became even greater. It may start as a certain idea like going to a yoga class down the street as convenience for me, but then~~~ the possibilities expand our growth as is necessary.

Warrior channeled the Ultimate Warrior just like that pic below to be a character he may not ever have even imagined at first. It propelled him to load the spaceship (from another planet 🪐maybe?) with rocket fuel 🚀blasting into wrestling mainstream culture for eternity. We feel deep connections for many reasons as some are fleeting, while others last lifetimes. Yes, I said lifetimes… if you believe. We can say “just because” but for many of us (hand raised here 🙋🏻‍♀️…) it is MORE… We may find the reasons why but often we just need to always believe while feeling, not questioning. Channel your light to know the meanings are deeper than first intended. Trust that you will know why someday if you already don’t. The light will only shine brighter if you channel it out into the world… 🌎

P.S. Looking back at my post of last year around this time ( which I do…) right at the top was the date of 4/5/23. I wrote how I woke up that day with the song “Nothing Else Matters” in my head… I never would have remembered that had I not looked it up… Maybe it will be a yearly song? 🎵 🤔☺️

P.P.S. 6 years ago was my very 1st book event ever on 4/5/18… Yes, that was a date I chose out of a few they selected… 😉📗

This is TEN… 💙⚡️🙏🏻

Yes, we are here warriors. Almost a decade. I seriously did not want to use that number with this title today. It wasn’t for the sad obvious reason but more of it not being a cliché because we’ve reached double digits since Warrior left this planet. I decided it to be fitting after all just like the subtitle of my book. Never did I want Warrior’s name as part of that because of the reasoning with others to purchase. His name would sell it, but quite possibly in my mind for the wrong reasons. I finally let that go because after all, without him~~~ I would never have written that book. I just wanted to always believe *** REAL*** readers would be interested for more reasons than one. I’m getting close to that number above for this blog. Will I get there? Who knows but for now, we have it with Warrior’s passing in a few days. I look at my hands👐🏻 and see all 10 fingers and think how this is it until 100 which just adds 1 zero, right? We can relive those years in a millisecond and 10 sounds about right.

The 8th also will bring that BIG solar eclipse the ☀️🌑🌎 world is talking about. Who remembers me stating how my son months ago told me this was coming? Hard to believe that will be upon us as well. Stay safe warriors… What are the odds that eclipse would be on HIS anniversary? I bet Warrior is laughing as I was just dumbfounded when knowing it months ago. 😳🫢😬 I STILL want him to be happy but actually, I know he is. That “Wrestle America” magazine story came to mind yet again, with the memory of almost 31 years ago. He wants us happy too as I still marvel at those words spoken in my mind and heart to that magazine with Ultimate Warrior staring back at me all those times ago.

Here’s my list of dates that I recall every year for anyone *** NEW***, or for you avid readers to reminisce:

~~~ April 1st~ 34 years of WMVI (Yes- I DID watch the “Ultimate Challenge” as always.) My daughter is finally THAT age of 17 and a senior in high school just like I was then… Weren’t his girls just that age?

~~~ April 4th~ 7.5. years of this blog, oh my…

~~~ April 5th~ 10 year anniversary of his HOF induction speech (I plan on watching that too as well) AND 32 years of WMVIII when U.W. came to help Hulk Hogan…

~~~ April 7th~ 10 year anniversary of his final RAW speech

~~~ April 14th I will mention next week…

Here’s another idea I decided to incorporate into today’s post. If you know me and this blog, I mention songs, books, or movies A LOT… Well, today I decided on a song I hear played pretty often as some of the lyrics fit. Many of you might be familiar as it’s very beautiful to me. I always seem to hear it when I had become frustrated or upset. LITERALLY- the words ring true (ding, ding, ding, 🛎️) for me but they might for you too…

“Nothing Else Matters” ~Metallica

… “couldn’t be much more from the heart”

…” forever trusting who we are”

…”and nothing else matters.”

I could include more but don’t want to cross that copyright line. Don’t care what THEY do, think, or know but just do YOU. That’s the message I get but there’s plenty more that resonate for me in a deeper way.

Warrior did HIM despite the others way and lived life on HIS terms. Fans know this but it’s such a beautiful reminder for us all. I get pensive and still teary, but not like years prior. This number is *** BIG*** and up in “parts unknown”, he’s only been gone a short while. No dates, numbers, or years up there but for us~ we are connected to linear time.

Oops, I did forget another addition after all. I actually am referencing a book! Just a 2 count as no movie, ha ha. Recently, I had read John Stamos’s book: “If You Would Have Told Me.I always liked him and was excited to read his memoir. Some of you may recall me writing on the passing of Bob Saget, (who was his “Full House” costar a few years ago,) and my siblings with their déjà vu “condolences.” Bob and John became very close. John mentions how: “maybe I should stop looking for signs in the sky and just know Bob is at peace.” He then adds: “I know I’ll be back because I know those I’ve lost returned to me.” He meant signs he gets from his parents who have passed while noticing little things in his own son. Yep, that’s how it works warriors and what a profound statement from John if you always believe… 🥹❤️‍🩹

So, this year no remembering of 10 years ago with me, my kids, their ages and shenanigans, his kids, signs, or any of that. I will turn on my candle lantern. 🕯️Remember the warrior batteries in that? 🔋 🔋while thinking of Warrior in a special way on the evening of April 8th… I thought writing this would be so difficult and yet, it seemed to flow in a peaceful way…

No spiritual meaning of 10 here today although I know it, but you can look up your own info. Last year, I bought nachos and wine 🍷 but this year,. hmmm… 🤔 Why is there no nacho emoji??? I decided to use my April selfie this week because photos of him “run” rampant on here and I had never done a * ME* pic for his anniversary. Some may have seen this pic on my socials but it was originally taken for this post today. Always more firsts with a few more coming up. I will also think of his family, good friends, colleagues of years ago~ both living and passed, and all the countless FANS all over the world, who I hope will forever be. I treasure them and you all.. . There are so many, many things that have transpired these last 10 years my mind can’t keep up but my heart knows. There were lots of personal issues I have dealt with but more relaxed now. Much knowledge has been gained too with always more to come… The countless experiences and memories we have with his life and our own are to numerous to expand upon.

Here’s to the amazing, unforgettable, awesome, ultimate man of WARRIOR that we know as good to his core. I miss his presence but his spirit is forever around. I have been so extremely fortunate despite not physically knowing him in this life… His story continues, just in a different way… My story continues as well as all of yours. I love you Warrior ( there’s another first I had yet to ever type out…) and I thank you for everything. Continue to be YOU because nothing else matters...

P.S. Do any of you remember way back to my Easter egg story? Well, I never shared ALL of that but will today. The truth is- I KEPT that eggshell created when I was a teen on my dresser for MONTHS! Maybe I never shared that because of judgement or weirdness but now- it felt time. Similar to another statement ⬆️ which I have shared today for different reasons…. I will link 2 blogs that mention that egg which FYI- was the SAME colors as the batteries! 🥚💜💛😮😜


*** You can also search them up if interested…. 🕉️☮️🚀

Steady as I Go… 💙😬😜

Here we are in these last few days remaining for March. Oh, boy. Time is going as it will. I will remain steady… I have to address the photo below as yet another first came my way. After all these years, me- yes- me-decided to use a promo where U.W. is talking about U.T.— Undertaker that is. The *** ONLY*** photo I ever used mentioning him was a mask from the Halloween store many moons ago now. Yes, I am over the “drama” of 33 years past but you still won’t see me using U. T. references that often. I had just thought to look up some and found one to use. I could’ve waited yet again to place that pic in mid-April, but nah~ not wanting that memory to resurface, ha ha!

Speaking of moons, did you hear about the lunar eclipse that happened the other night? 🌕 Maybe that doesn’t connect for you but these cosmic events are occurring lately and some are super rare. The solar one is also upon us as many may know THAT date but we are still in March. *** >>>>> The other night we went to a birthday celebration for my future sister-in-law, who turned 50. I have a sister who will also be that age in June. Big milestones with OTHERS to come in my family. A few are very soon. My son will turn 2️⃣0️⃣ tomorrow. 🥹 For 20 years, I have been a mom. What a wonderful gift and one I treasure daily. 🥳He is getting some “housewares” to take into the new apartment come fall. Again, I need to remain steady (or stable) and not become “unstable.” Had to sneak that word in because it fit for sure. Wasn’t he just 10? Wait, nope~~~ Kathy don’t go there. It’s still March…

The last event is this coming Sunday. It will be Easter here but also the 28th anniversary of WMXII~1️⃣2️⃣. It was Ultimate Warrior’s last “official” one as a wrestler. We also have the 34th of WMVI~ 6️⃣ the following day. Remember, it’s* NOT* April Fools day for us Warrior fans! I’m doing it again, so sorry. It’s March~ yes~ it still is. After a few more days, I will finally have all these WM dates covered plus we all will know the results of Mania 40. Until then, I wish all who celebrate Easter a beautiful time with those you love. 🤍🐰🐣There, I think I covered all the events in my notes. Yep, just checked.

So, whew~~~ that is a lot of info but I’m only scratching the surface as much more is to come. Steady, steady, steady as I go. Oh, I did forget something else this month. Our high school girls 🏀 basketball team won its *FIRST*** ever State championship!!! That can go in the same category as the U. T. pic below with a first, he-he! It was so exciting for our little town! 😀👏🏻👍

What have been or are the times and moments where you need to remain steady warriors? There can be so many over our lifetime, we seem to lose track. Things can be going along smoothly and then we get clotheslined to the mat. We’ve all been there, maybe some more than others. Our lives are so different and yet experiences can be quite similar. It’s how you handle it while remaining steady that matters most as you know. Even all the good or great stuff can become overwhelming if all at once and yet, there they are. That always seems to happen with me. There will be nothing for months and then “10” things ( yes, I know that number…) in a row pop up where I want to shake the ropes! 😳

Another expression besides “go with the flow” 🌊 I hear very often is to “shine your light.” 💡 I know that may sound too spiritual for you non-believers, but it really is true. Some people have sent the sweetest words to me lately despite my crazy times, and the one phrase that is on repeat is to keep shining my light. That makes me feel so hopeful from a very different perspective. I’ve had difficult relationships and some are ongoing. It’s been an “ultimate challenge” to be steady and MAN is it tough! I was told to see it another way, which I am. I need to keep being ME like one of those goals of last week. It’s like a metaphor of something not truly being what it is. Learning to see beyond the surface to what is really going on requires so much effort and yet is needed. Be steady in order to shine your light. That’s what I am continuing to do. I will never dim that light because it’s not who I am. It shouldn’t be who you are either. Warrior certainly never dimmed his light! 🥰🤟🏻

I’ve had those down days but I’m grateful for all the learning- good or bad. That’s another goal, remember? One day, all these times will be over and then new ones take their place. The busy will be replaced by the calm so we need to take it in and breathe through it every day. Our challenges become our greatest strengths because they got us to a steadier place. You know that children’s book of “The Tortoise and the Hare”? I’m sure you do. “Slow and steady wins the race” is the moral but we don’t need to race like U.W. did to the ring. The tortoise didn’t really, he just went at his own pace. Sure, a healthy competition never hurt anyone but we all need to find our own inner 🐢 to finish what we started. By remaining steady with all the distractions~~~ the prize is yours, whatever it may be. Stay steady, shine your light, and focus on ONE task at hand. The rest for now can wait. Time to *** MARCH*** on out warriors… 

Hit the “PAUSE” button ⏏️😐

Hello warriors and to those in the Northern Hemisphere~~~ happy Spring or Vernal Equinox. 🪱🐛🌷🪺🪴 That happened yesterday ( although we had a mini 🥶 blizzard) when the daylight equals the nighttime, just like Fall or Autumn. You’ll see me down below with one of our many flowers blooming this time of year- 🌼 ~ daffodils. I took that pic last week. Guess what? Those purple tulips STILL have roots, stems, and leaves. I wonder when or if the buds will appear? They usually *** POP*** that first week of April so I will wait and see… 🤞🏻 Oh, when, taking this month’s “selfie”, my ear started ringing. How beautiful. 😊🥹

How is your year going so far during this seasonal change? You know what I did a few months back? I made a list of GOALS, not resolutions. When I open my notebook to journal quotes and such, I see them right on my loose page tucked in. Attainable goals that is and here are a few:

***Read more 📚 , (of course!) try new supplements that are safe and healthy, clean🪣🧽 with less chemicals, stretch my core more with new exercises, 💪🏻eat more fruits/veggies and less junk, ~ (SO HARD!!! ) 😲 see my Healer more, ( highly suggested) follow my intuition more, avoid drama when necessary, set more healthy boundaries, honor my emotions, release attachments to things out of my control, become more grateful for little things, honor change as it happens, manifesting our future home, being authentically “ME” despite critics, finding like- minded people, and a *** FEW*** others…

Yes, I wrote ALL that down as Warrior would approve. Do any of you do this or have you? I have mentioned goals before, but is it a yearly thing with me? Nope, as I sometimes neglect but always have right minded intentions. Some of those remain quite challenging for me as your list could be for you. Like I said last week, we must “do the work” however it is.

Despite all that, it is still a pause time for me. After Easter, the school year goes so incredibly fast as then we seem to be in hyperdrive. This is especially true with having a senior in high school… 😬🥹 *** It’s also WrestleMania season so happy 33rd, (great number!) to WMVII in a few days. How is 40 going to go? I finally looked up the card but most of course are consumed by the title once again this year. Will Hulk Hogan’s streak remain if Cody wins it finally from Roman? Yet another we shall see moment for sure🤔. The tag team match with The Rock returning will definitely make this year’s Mania 40 super exciting. *** Guess what ELSE my brother told me? SummerSlam this year will be at none other than our very OWN Cleveland Browns football stadium in August👏🏻😁🏈!! ! How incredible for this town! I am so happy! That capacity is around what it was at Skydome for WMVI but WWE is hoping for 70,000!! They were here in 1996 for S. S. but where our basketball team plays. If Ultimate Warrior hadn’t left, I bet he would’ve been there. *** PAUSE*** moment for me here…

We need to hit that pause button sometimes warriors, even when we don’t want to. It’s like pressing the snooze button when you want those extra 5 minutes of sleep in the morning. Do phones even have that feature? I wouldn’t know as I am probably in the minority with not keeping my phone by my bed or using it as an alarm. Nope, not for me in many ways. We have this go, go, go society but often times, we need to listen to our gut of when it is time to pause. We also don’t need to be in hyperdrive feeling the comfort for downtime. Just giving yourself a few minutes of YOU or ME time is all that’s needed. Being alone, or in a quiet frame of mind is healthy and so beneficial to us in many ways.

What do you do when needing to say pause for just a bit? I have my slowing down indoors for winter but even then it can’t be a constant busyness of crazy. This is the time that’s the calm before the storm in a way for me. Every year is a little different but so many “DOOZIES” all creeping up on their OWN just waiting to converge. In the midst of it all, instead of attacking it full force as many might think a warrior would, I will do what I can, when I can, and even *** PAUSE** through the moments. No rush, just staying present for each one and giving the right amount of me every time.

If it is any different, I will be “running” too fast like the Ultimate Warrior did and may feel like I missed it fully. I recall watching a backstage clip of Warrior interacting with Sgt. Slaughter during WMXXX weekend and how he mentioned something similar. Warrior wanted to remember peoples faces and interact with them more but being who he was in the business made that so difficult to do. He made a joke about Sarge’s face but I totally understood what he meant. I’m so grateful Warrior was able to hit pause, just somewhat on his life after wrestling without feeling the need to constantly be on the go. He wants that for all of us here *** NOW*** ya know? At least that is what I believe. How can us warriors not know that?

I sometimes wish I had that feature of a real pause button like on a remote we sometimes see played out in movies. It’s when so much is going on in a scene and then it pauses. Everything freezes and becomes silent for just a few seconds for that one character. You know what I’m talking about, right? That’s what we need to do only without all the effects. Even if you have to excuse yourself for a few moments, do it! Take that time to just settle despite the chaos. We can’t freeze time, but just find the calm in the storm. No storm ⛈️🌪️ lasts forever. Hit the *** PAUSE*** button when needed warriors. Your own self will say: ” thank you, I needed this…” 🙏🏻😌😵‍💫🫵🏻🤍

When is it too Much? 🤔😬😐

Yes, I know what you could be thinking. First, my title’s a little long but it’s what came so be it. I was thinking of: “when is enough, enough?” but thought that to be kind of negative. It’s probably not entirely what it seems so I hope you continue reading. Next, I also know that photo down below could be used within a few weeks~~~ appropriately so but nope, I’m using it today. This topic has been brought up a little before but it’s nice to take a different “run” on it with other info.

So, when is it too much? That’s not an easy answer because we all see things differently. It can be very diverse as this relates to several areas of our lives. With Warrior, many will say his workouts and intensity were too much but for him personally, he felt it to be right. An expression I read talked of “over-efforting” and yes, this can be true. I KNOW too how you would usually read the opposite on here. Warrior’s mantra of : ” do the work” is such a part of me as it should be. You will know your work and when you need a break. At least I hope you do. Most of you remember my mantra about breathing and to slow down. Yep, that works too. When it becomes too much, how does it feel or look to you? Do you recognize the stress or do you ignore it? For me, I get lethargic or disoriented much like those negative dreams I wrote about. 

I’ll take this another way. If any of you own the “Always Believe” DVD, Hulk Hogan had this to say about Vince’s 2 “monster entities.” on their way to do battle in WMVI. He states how they both :“didn’t have to do a whole heck of a lot.” This meant that despite them putting on quite a show back then for fans, not much was needed to make the match work. Their immense popularity at the time sold it to crowds so anything they did in the ring, even little moves would be enough to excite. That was exactly true and ALSO true of the Ultimate Warrior’s career. Enough is enough already! There, I will use that phrase after all. No more naysayers saying how U.W. didn’t do this or that in his time of wrestling despite him not making the “A-list” of being “friendly” or a “good worker” backstage. That was not his priority. Just like Hulk said, he didn’t have to do a heck of a lot to (make an impact.) By that I mean a ton of technicalities or anything similar to get that ***POP*** from the crowd which is what he wanted. I’ve said enough on that for sure…

Let’s take that photo below. Warrior didn’t want to do that much on Monday Night RAW either for what would be his final television appearance. His idea was to say a few words, thank fans, and walk out of the ring. Of course, Triple H and possibly Vince thought otherwise. Fans had waited 18 years to see U.W. again and they deserved more than a few minutes, we all did. Who would’ve guessed Warrior’s final speech would generate such reactions that it is totally remembered 10 years later and will forever be? I could’ve known as most speeches of his were quite memorable including promos and those outside of the ring. Again though, he didn’t have to do that much to know it would be enough. Sure, he worked his A** off to get to a certain level but once attaining that, he didn’t have to push so hard. He still did in many ways though. Some may think his “rhetoric” was too much at times, but that just proves to *ME* how he was always destined for so much more when pursuing other opportunities.

I’ll look at myself here with my practices. As you probably are aware, I am a spiritual seeker and read much (like Warrior did) but I also meditate, journal, (yes, he wrote too,) and work with other tools. I LOVE it all just like this blog but need my breaks as well. Even though Warrior had mentioned ✍🏻 writing for 3️⃣hours a day, I could not do that. If he did indeed, when did he have the time? 🕰️😲 We do love our stuff though, but literally cannot do one thing all day as we can get burned out. I understand discipline, really I do but we need to switch it up from time to time. It’s ☯️ Yin and Yang like I’ve written before. Warrior might’ve said it’s never too much and perhaps for him that worked but for most of us, it’s too extreme. 

Think of your interests or even challenges. Those things that fill us with joy are easy to do for lengths at a time but what about the triggers? We want to get away from them very quickly as it becomes extremely draining. I’m sure you can think of plenty but with it all, too much does become too much. We do have to be assertive sometimes with those triggers and either confront or surrender but either way, a break from the person, place, or emotion is needed. We also want “new” stories to pass on as some on repeat become too much over and over and we have had enough. The same old thing doesn’t work in the way it once did and it becomes time for the new. It’s similar to wrestlers who rebrand their character or gimmick over the years. How about STING of my P. S. last week? We might not need to do much at all making something happen as trying too hard only leads to frustration. Remember also to go with the flow. 🌊

If too much is too much, ask yourself how it makes you FEEL? If you answer positively, it can still be time for rest. The negative feelings will definitely let you know when you have “over-efforted” and need to choose something else. We have to always “do the work”, but also need to know when the work has taken over and we’ve lost part of ourselves. Just do your part and know that it is enough for the day. Love the good but let the bad go. Even too many “Warrior-isms” can cause us to submit. Know your limits and you’ll get that neutral mentality. It’s like when you’re on vacation but then are glad to be HOME… Trust your best effort and know we are all imperfectly perfect (or is that reversed?) and enough…

P.S. Sometimes even with writing this, I overdo it but nowadays~~~ I am better. It is what it is. Thank you for being my readers!

P.P.S. You U.W. collectors can have your merch as I have my crystals. When is it too much? We hate to be asked that. 😂🤨🤭😜

Spring Cleaning Inventory🧹

It is March, Warriors! That means several things are happening in my “arena” of sorts. Well, maybe a few of you celebrate occasions too, but not all. The time changes soon so it’s gonna be lighter outside longer, yay! Daylight savings time may end here soon, so we shall see. it also means Summer will be here as well. I have LOTS to do until then. We have St. Patrick’s Day, ☘️ which I don’t really celebrate but I do decorate for all the holidays. Then, SPRING will officially be here in my part of the world so bring on the flowers. 🌷 To end the month, my oldest will no longer be a teen. Where did the years go???A few days after his birthday is Easter. I prefer it more mid April like last year, but it falls on the last day of March this year. I hope you all enjoy your own special March monthly moments…

This time of year also bring spring cleaning or those “extra” areas we ignore perhaps. I’ve mentioned this before but really more for me, it’s cleaning outside. I will not miss all this yard work when we move, but I will be planting my garden again this year. It’s always exciting setting up the patio furniture and bringing out my lawn decor. Let’s hope for a more dry season in 2024. We do need the rain for things to grow, but not monsoons! Sorry, Gorilla- ha!

Let’s move onto a different type of cleaning that doesn’t necessarily involve physical items. This WordPress app every day includes a prompt for writing on various topics. Some I look at, others I don’t. Very thought-provoking indeed. Many similar questions I see on some media sites or even in books I’ve read. Not to worry, no titles this time but I will share a few for you to ponder and do your own spring cleaning. After all, we need to de-clutter or straighten areas of our life, relationships, feelings, and all that too besides actual tangible stuff. Here’s a list to use at your own discretion or feel free to add your own. If you aren’t into writing, no problem. Maybe just reflect in your mind if you are serious enough to just *** TRY*** these exercises. Mental ones of course. Keep for future reference. I would LOVE to hear Warrior’s answers on many of these, but some of them I think I do know.

~~~ What is a favorite childhood memory of yours and why? At what age did you have this memory?

~~~ If you could tell your 15-year-old self ONE thing, what would it be? (Interesting how this age was chosen. Not by me but 15 is when I first saw the Ultimate Warrior on my TV.) Oh, and I’ve changed my answer overtime.

~~~ What in your life are you most proud of?

~~~ What in your life do you most regret?

~~~ Who has been your greatest mentor – teacher – hero – and why? (There can be others besides your fave wrestler U. W. fans!)

~~~ What is ONE obstacle you have overcame and what has it taught you?

~~~ If you could change ONE thing in your life, what would it be?

~~~ Who would you like to apologize to or who would you like to get an apology from?

~~~ If you had to sum up your life in ONE word, what would it be? No, you can’t use intensity or intense, as that is overused to describe Warrior, ha ha!

~~~ If you had to leave a few messages for others to remember you by once you are gone, what would they be?

~~~ This is a 10 count! How about that?

~~~ I’ll add some bonuses to work wrestling in to all you WWE and other followers out there:

~~~ Why did you become a fan of pro wrestling and are you still one today?

~~~ Who was or is your favorite? (Again, other than the Ultimate Warrior), if that was your answer.

~~~ If watching when younger, what is something you miss about yesteryear? (Like the Golden Era in WWF, promos, etc.) If not a watcher, then what do you enjoy the most about wrestling today?

~~~ Just a 3 count here!

How about that for a spring cleaning inventory list warriors? I will admit~ some are *** SUPER*** hard to answer and with me, I can seldom list one thing or idea. The first question was actually all mine as I came up with it by myself. Probably because I wanted a “lighter” one in there since most are very serious. 

I will answer that one here for you readers though. Again, not a specific age but a favorite memory is playing outside in the summer with my neighborhood friends or swimming. Maybe at age 7 or 8, so I’ll go with that. Any memories with my cousins too mostly on my mom’s side since we saw them more often. Playing hide and seek out in the yard with them or any Christmas when we’d all be together… 🥰

I bet loyal readers know my answers to the wrestling ones. I DID like the good guys but nope, no other fave for me. Many things I miss about the WWF days. So hard to pick just one. Think I’ll go with the humor. After all, that got me hooked at the age of 11- 12.

The other answers of course are private as yours will be for you or possibly shared with a select few. Oh, I take that back. I’ll answer one more. To my 15-year-old self I would say :“it’ll all (mostly) make sense to you one day. Don’t worry.” 😉 I used to say random stuff like: “I love you” or “it’ll be ok…” but I wanted to be more specific. Do your OWN spring cleaning inventory warriors as March begins. We ALL have “messes” to clean up… 🧽🪣🧼

P.S. ALL the best to STING 🦂 on his official retirement! He has been with AEW the last few years but his entire career spans 38 years!!! *** For those unaware~ he began in wrestling with Warrior as a few tag teams back in 1986. He has had a tremendous career, mostly in WCW and has battled addictions but fought his way back and went out a true ICON…💙👏🏻

P.S. I also will add many condolences to Ole Anderson’s family, and also to Virgil’s on both of their passings recently. I was shocked to hear about Virgil, as I had no idea he had been ill for quite some time with being so young. RIP to them both. 🤍🙏🏻😞💔

To Become Educated 🌺🫵🏻💡

A few things to say before I SPLASH into our post today. First, it was a year ago this past month that I have owned the “Always Believe” DVD. I know it was after Valentine’s Day, but before March. Lots of content I became a little more educated upon since receiving it 12 months ago. Also, tomorrow marks a Leap Year which is not too common. I have a cousin born on February 29 and he is having a milestone this year. I guess technically not with a Leap Year being every 4️⃣ years! HBD to him for sure. One more point and it is this. The photo you see below is yet another wonderful one from my beautiful cousin who thinks to send me such sweet inspiration. 🥰 I had another picture chosen (as usual,) but when thinking of what to share~~~ it had to be her sentiment today.

Yeah, it totally fits with me but I hope you the reader feel it too. The previous time I used a picture she sent it was 2 years ago in March, which I looked up. That was just ONE word all about “My Warrior Week.” This today, however, is just about an hour or so. What I mean is the recent session with my healer which is around an hour I spend with her. Again, this might be over some of your heads about seeing someone to balance or HEAL your energy as it does relate to psychic abilities somewhat. She relates messages through angels and boy, have I become so much more educated. It will be 3 years in a few weeks that I started seeing her and I went quite frequently. Remember my colonoscopy? Then, visits became more sporadic as I’ve stated because I wanted to try my best without additional guidance. As it turns out, we are into a whole other time and topic, so more visits are in order. 🤔

I usually jot down a few notes to take with me and the very last question I had concerned DREAMS as she and I explore this at times. It was just a brief comment that turned into most of the session. Many may know I have been and continue to be the avid vivid dreamer. If you’ve been with me, you’ve read ***MANY*** over the years concerning Warrior but there are always others and I wanted any info on some different ones. Do any of you remember my tree, house, and crystal one? That was so upsetting as to why Warrior didn’t recognize me. 🫤 I DID become very educated as later on with her (and the angels guidance,) I applied it to that dream. I did write how it was a metaphor and there were always more lessons to learn as I was right. It’s great to have insight as those answers are just for me. 💙😴 Such another puzzle like last week…

My question to her concerned his girls in some dreams, as one I felt to be a little unsettling. Now- mind you, she is not an official dream interpreter but if this connects to my healing, some answers do come. No, it was not FULLY explained as I believe we all are connected in some way. What was explained is just like things in our waking life, not everything is how it appears to be. I felt reassured on that ***BUT*** most ALL of my dreams are quite beautiful with a few hmmm… ones snuck in from time to time. The thing with me though is energy which I know sounds very broad.

When we dream, we can be anyone, go anywhere, and do anything quite like acting. Sometimes we might wake up dazed and confused or like we haven’t slept much at all. 😵‍💫 This can happen to any of us, but not as often as one might think. She tells me I have a big heart( awww shucks… ❤️) just like on Earth but that means it’s fair game. I’m giving away too much of myself causing “extra” energy in dreams to interfere which I don’t need. Don’t get me wrong, the wonderful Warrior dreams and ones with others I am fond of are all so great as I wake up happy and refreshed. The other confusing ones though, not so much. For my entire life, this has been a huge part of me and would become a joke like : ” guess who was in my dream last and what they did?” I never thought of it any other way besides it being my “thing” and just accepted what was. The truth though with my big heart~~~ I just wanted to do all these things, be everywhere, and go go go in a dream that is. What happened was it became exhausting and draining which is not what I need in order to heal. There are MUCH more details of course but I’m telling you, I’m so grateful to be educated a lot more on this. Dreamland will slowly overtime work more to my advantage…

I will admit at first when hearing this news, it was quite shocking as I got totally defensive. Once I settled down with it for a bit, it became clearer and I had steps to take in order to course correct. I even said to her that I didn’t want to fully fall asleep and became a little panicked. 🫨 She said to not do this as that depletes more of my energy and of course isn’t healthy. It was just my first reaction and was temporary. I’m stronger than I know but sometimes forget that. One of my purposes here is to be ME like it is for us all but some like myself need to fight harder and be the warrior we are to take care of OUR needs. It’s all about the feels, remember? My crystals will work too, as a few other suggestions were made.

Becoming educated takes a lot more out of us than just reading books, listening to podcasts, or watching videos. It’s using your OWN sense of intuition to lead YOU in the right direction. Warrior spoke of this often. To think it all started just because I jotted down a simple dream question. 😜 You may not work with a healer like me, but I need this for my growth and many areas much too numerous to list here. Become educated warriors~ however it looks to you. After all, Warrior did and now I am. Dreams or not~~~ keep YOUR energy close. Don’t give it away unnecessarily. It’s yours to keep, just yours.. 🙏🏻😇👊🏻

P.S. NOT all dreams are roller coasters 🎢 of WHEEE!!!!! Maybe I need to adopt Warrior’s attitude and kick some A**!!!